понедельник, 26 ноября 2018 г.

Varieties and types of hydrangeas

All types of hydrangeas, including the most exotic, come from East Asia and South America. In the European gardens, these magnificent shrubs first appeared in the 14th century and decorated the gardens of wealthy people. To us the hydrangea has already come from Europe. Until some time in our gardens there were only shrubs of a large, human-sized, tree hydrangea. But now it is increasingly possible to meet her tiny sister - the hydrangea paniculata, as well as the most unusual representatives of the family of the same name.
While at home, in Japan, the flower is called Adzai, which literally translates as "solar circle", in Europe he was given a different name, known to us today. The people called hydrangea another ornamental shrub from this family, which in botany bears a different, rather medical name - a schizophragm. Tree hydrangeas in the garden very quickly add to their growth, and require mandatory formation. For three years, a small sapling can turn into a gorgeous shrub. Inflorescences-caps reach a diameter of 15 cm. On the basis of the tree, other, more exotic types of hydrangeas were obtained, with pink and blue inflorescences. This is, for example, a rare and rather expensive variety of Invincibelle Spirit. Brought such a frost-resistant motley look American Thomas Early.
The panicled hydrangea grows in China, Japan, is found in the south of Sakhalin and on the Kuril Islands. This species is distinguished by the pyramidal form of inflorescences, flowering “pyramids” grow up to 30 cm. In the process of growth and maturation of buds, the color changes from white to pink. Grandiflora is especially good: its large creamy-white flowers become white when blooming, then turn pink and turn greenish in autumn.
In the process of flowering, the Vanilla Fraze variety looks like ice cream - the base remains white, and the tip turns pink, and by the autumn they become purple.
Unusual variety Lime Light with green flowers also turns pink by autumn. All varieties, excluding dwarf varieties in growth, are not inferior to the ubiquitous tree form, and can form shrubs up to 3 meters in diameter.
The variety of hydrangea with large leaves attracts gardeners with its dark leaves and large, up to 25 cm in diameter. Inflorescences of amazing shades. It is said that, depending on the level of acidity of the soil, flowers can change shade. Thus, blue flowers form on acidic soils, and pink flowers on alkaline soils. But these decorative varieties must be carefully insulated for winter, or scooped up for wintering in room conditions. Large-leaved hydrangea retains its beauty at home and is grown as a potted indoor plant.
The rarer varieties include oak-leaved hydrangea. The leaves of this tall deciduous shrub resemble oak. In the autumn, as is characteristic of trees, they acquire a crimson hue, and fall in winter. There are species with white and red pyramidal inflorescences. This attractive variety winter well in the open field under light cover.
In the family of hydrangeas even sheltered liana. This is a stalked hydrangea, or stalked. Originally from Sakhalin Island, it is a very rare species listed in the Red Book of the Sakhalin Region. The original woody climbing vine forms a trunk up to 15 m in height. Winter-hardy species blooms in the first half of summer. Unlike its sisters, this rare beauty does not like direct sun and prefers partial shade. An interesting feature of the plant is to stick to a dense support - trees, walls, and even climb along the ground. Because it can be grown in the form of a pochvnik, then pruning is not required.
Hydrangeas in the garden, of course, solo! These noticeable plants in all respects are planted in separate areas. Tree shrubs, large and bulky, need at least one and a half meters in diameter for growth. Dwarf panicled forms may very well coexist with soil growers and other ornamental shrubs - purple, rose, and wild rose. Hortensia, preferring acidic soil, can successfully coexist with heather and Erica, setting off its snow-white inflorescences.

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